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Getting started with a new environment can be challenging, especially when you literally don’t even speak the language. Fortunately, we created a set of videos to help get you up and running with the language, so you can focus on the task at hand - learning how to create applications using Python.

We don’t dig into specific frameworks, but we help get you ready to start exploring on your own. We’ll show you the core Python concepts you’ll need as you begin your journey into web development on popular frameworks such as Django and Flask, use AI services such as Cognitive Services, or even machine learning.

What you’ll learn

  • The basics of Python
  • Starting a project
  • Common syntax
  • Package management

What we don’t cover

  • Class design and inheritance
  • Asynchronous programming
  • Basics of programming


Introducing Python

Before you get started on your journey towards learning Python, it’s important to know why! We’ll talk through what Python is, where you’ll use it, and how it can help you problem solve.

Getting started

Now that we know about Python, the next question is, how do we get started? Well, the first thing that we’re going to need is somewhere for Python to run.

Python is an interpreted language, so you will need a runtime in which Python can execute. Fortunately, all that you need to do is head on over to and you can go ahead and grab it from there.

Configuring Visual Studio Code

So previously, we took a look at the three things that we’re going to need to actually start doing our Python code. We’ll need somewhere for our Python code to run.

We’ll need something to edit it with, VS Code in our case, and then we’ll need an extension for a VS Code. Now those first two, Python and VS Code itself, you’ll install the same way that you are going to install anything else onto your operating system.

PPT Demonstrations